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It means the dominant seventh chord.

In C major this would comprise of the notes G B D and the seventh F

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Generally, V7 (or V chords) like to resolve to the I chord.

The 7th usually resolves down by step.

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Q: What does V7 mean in music theory?
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I am not sure what music theory you are looking for. Music theory is very vast and required time and practice to know it completely. You can check out some music theory lessons at pianomother and from there you can learn the basic up to the advance lessons for music theory.

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You should look to find music theory lessons for your child by hiring a personal music teacher with a degree in music theory, or that have at least taken music theory classes.

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Journal of Music Theory was created in 1957.

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Music Theory Spectrum was created in 1979.

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Society for Music Theory was created in 1977.

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To learn music theory, there are step by step instructions in many music books. Alternatively a good music teacher should be able to explain music theory.