Mb stands for Megabits, Mega stands for a million (1 followed by 6 zeros). A Megabit stands for that many bits of digital information or data.
If written as MB (with a capital B) it stands for Mega Byte. One Byte contains 8 bits.
- Neeraj Sharma no u got it all rong mb means master bate
MB stands for Mindless Behavior.
u mean ram?? 3 mb 2 times 512 is 1 mb so 3 mb is 5 times more.......
If you mean do they have kids of their own the answer is no. 2 yes all of MB are single
I'm not trying to be mean but people shouldn't keep asking it it isn't like mindless behavior will pass away or something I'm so sorry but I love y'all mb I love u princeton
what is roc royal from mb motto is
MB in weather stands for Millibars, and is a measure of pressure in the atmosphere.
The letters MB CHb what does it stand for
In computer terminology it means Megabyte.
Microsoft Book
1000 Megabytes
mb stands for middle blocker.
MB stands for Mindless Behavior.
Masters of Business and science
MIB stands for most improved bowler.
Milton Bradley
KB and MB stand for kilobyte (1,024 bytes) and megabyte (1,024 kilobytes). They are units of measurement of the storage capacity of computer memory, hard drives, USB sticks, DVD ROMs, etc.
MB mean Mega bytes ..mb mean mega bits.