There are varying opinions on what Jay-Z's triangle hand sign means. Beyonce used the sign in her Super Bowl halftime performance, making people more curious about the meaning. Here are a few theories.
Roc-A-Fella Diamond
The most common explanation, and the one that Jay-Z himself uses, is that the hand sign promotes Roc-A-Fella records. For Jay-Z it means a diamond which is a play off of the word Rock in Roc-A-Fella records. A diamond is the hardest stone on earth as well as most precious.
A Levite symbol
Others believe the hand sign is a symbol of the Levites. The Levites were one of the original 12 tribes of Israel and were particular responsible for the religious duties of the Israelites. It's a very powerful symbol in religious circles indicating to be Gods chosen soldiers in His spiritual warfare and protect the Tabernacle, as described in the book of Numbers in the Old Testiment, and throughout the Torah. It's not a Dynasty sign, it's not a diamond sign, it's not Greek sign. I have no doubts Jay-Z knows exactly what it means. It's no joke to throw that up.
Greek letter Delta
It has several meanings in the black sorority. It's a sign for the Greek letter Delta as explained by Kanye West song "Through the Wire."
Illuminati triangle
Some believe the symbol has Illuminati ties. When Jay-Z poses with his eye behind the triangle, it leads some to think the symbol is of an "all seeing eye" similar to the one that shows on the US dollar bill. An all seeing eye or third eye is symbolic of communicating with Lucifer and is a symbol of Illumination.
It is a Jewish hand sign that symbolizes the letter shin. Which stands for Shaddai meening "God"
its a peace sign
I think something with the devil I heard.Are you serious?? No, it has nothing to do with the devil; it stands for The Roc or Roc-a-fella, as in Roc-a-fella records.....
If you mean Zodiac/Star sign then he is a Virgo.
Libra can mean a constellation in the southern hemisphere or it can mean the 7th sign of the zodiac. In the latter case, three Libras would mean three people born under the Libra sign.
It is a Jewish hand sign that symbolizes the letter shin. Which stands for Shaddai meening "God"
on the dashboard? i think its the hand brake.
A persons hand reaching out to the poor
This gesture typically represents the sign for "silly" in American Sign Language. It involves moving an open hand up and down under the chin while sticking out the thumb.
They have 2 different hand signs they do a Lower case d and capital T.
This sign in American Sign Language often represents giving or offering something. The open hand typically indicates receiving, while the finger pointing to it signifies directing or giving.
The "L" sign made with your hand typically represents the word "loser" in informal settings. It can be used humorously among friends or during playful banter.
Touching your hand to your elbow in sign language is a way of signing "family" or "related." It symbolizes the connection or relationship between family members.
It's V1, which mean Version 1.0
It will most likely mean merge into the left hand lane.
What looks like a diamond is actually an A for his hometown Akron, Ohio. And it's obviously not illuminati you haters because before he does his hand sign he points his fingers to GOD.
it probably means that he really likes you and he is giving you that sign by holding your hand, sounds great!