Instruments that are blown into are either woodwind instruments, double reed instruments, or brass instruments, with the single exception of a harmonica, which is in a class all its own.
If its a stringed instrument like a violin or guitar, they're called a luthier. Don't think there is any special word for trumpet maker or clarinet maker. Trumpet artisan might work.
There are a lot of things that make music. Things that replicate music already made include:CDsTapesRecordsStereo and speakersMoviesVideo gamesHowever, what makes music originally mus always be musical instruments and people because they sing. Musical instruments include:banjoclarinetdrums - percussionguitarorganpianospoonstriangle - percussiontromboneviolin
Oh, dude, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen has some classic pop instruments in there. You've got your drums keeping the beat, some catchy synths adding that pop flair, and of course, the good ol' electric guitar for those sweet riffs. It's like a musical recipe for a hit song, ya know?
A Musician. or a percussionist if they like, play percussion instruments
A recorder
Id call them a musical group or 'band'.
paster!:) or Father:)
Find their number out in the phone book
Instruments that are blown into are either woodwind instruments, double reed instruments, or brass instruments, with the single exception of a harmonica, which is in a class all its own.
Someone who teaches athletics.
If its a stringed instrument like a violin or guitar, they're called a luthier. Don't think there is any special word for trumpet maker or clarinet maker. Trumpet artisan might work.
A group of five musicians is known as a "quintet."
A person who teaches about plants is called a botanist or a horticulturalist, depending on the specific focus of their expertise.
A person who teaches baking (bread, cakes, and so on) should usually be a qualified baker.... or a Pastry Chef.
Bulgogi. He taught me how to twirl. I miss him.