A person who plays the violin is called a violinist or a fiddler.
A person who plays the violin is called a Violinist.
Other musical terms for musicians who play other instruments:
Bass: Bassist (Base-ist)
Guitar: Guitarist (Gih-tar-ist)
Bugle: Bugler (Byoo-gull-er)
Flute: Floutist (Fl-out-ist)
That is all I can give you right now. If you would like to know about other instruments besides these, feel free to ask on here and your question will be answered. :D
a viola is an instrument, an Olivia is a person.
He played Beethoven on his violin.
ikuto's violin song is called tsukiyo no violinist!!!
The first violin and second violin are the same instruments. In an ensemble (orchestra, symphony, ect.) the first violin plays the higher part and the melody, while the second violin plays the lower part or the harmony. There is sometimes also a third violin, which plays the lower part along with the second violin, and this can go on and on. (4th, 5th, 6th) One common misconception is that the first violin plays the harder part, but this is not always true. The violins playing the harmony might have a harder time supporting the first violins.
Er ... fiddler?
Pub musician. Strolling Musician.
a viola is an instrument, an Olivia is a person.
I don't know. I'm not the person to ask because I'm not a LOSER who plays the violin. :-) = Happy face :-( = Frowny face *= Person wearing a party hat
band leader who plays the violin
A "harmonicanist" is what a person who plays the harmonica is called.
A bass violinist is a person who plays the bass violin, better known as the double bass.
she never plays the violin
the name given to a musical piece performed by one person is called a Solo -If you have maybe a violin piece and its to be performed by one person then you could call it "Violin solo" or "solo Violin" actually you could call it anything and just add to the score that "this should be played by one player only or played solo"
A person who plays Scrabble is called a Scrabbler. (unofficially)