Deck the halls with poison ivy Falalalala, lala la la Tis the season to be naughty Falalalala, lala la la Burn your school books Break your rulers Falala, lalala, la la la Set your teacher's hair on fire Falalalala, lala la la
To find the lyrics to the song "Fastball" by The Way you can go to a song lyrics site such as AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, Lets Sing It, Sing 365 and Last FM.
You could go to lyrics for glad we be this day
take the lord everywhere you go
You can find the lyrics to the song "Whenever You Will Go" by "The Calling" online at the LyricsFreak website. Alternatively, you can find these lyrics from websites such as AZLyrics and Metro Lyrics.
Deck the halls with poison ivy Falalalala, lala la la Tis the season to be naughty Falalalala, lala la la Burn your school books Break your rulers Falala, lalala, la la la Set your teacher's hair on fire Falalalala, lala la la
Deck the Halls.
Lyrics to Go was created in 1993.
cuz there is no lyrics! go figure
Go to the songs on your iPod, right-click, click "Get Info," go to the lyrics tab, paste or type the lyrics in there, click "OK," and boom! Your iPod has lyrics. To view the lyrics on your iPod, go the the song and click the center button until you see the lyrics.
Go to a2z lyrics Go to a2z lyrics
Would You Go With me is a song available on you tube. For lyrics, search in the search bar "Would You Go With Me lyrics". This should link one to several videos allowing one to find the lyrics.
you should actully go to youtube and put the song and then at the last word of the song you should put lyrics or go to google and put what are the lyrics for and then for the for you put the song and there you go you have the lyrics YOUR WELCOME ATLEAST
go to youtube type in my heart will go on lyrics in Japanese it might be there.
To find the lyrics to the song "Fastball" by The Way you can go to a song lyrics site such as AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, Lets Sing It, Sing 365 and Last FM.
go to google type in lyrics for fly to your heart and the author name and there you go!!!
Go to google and ask for lyrics and there you go