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the actual college is Lawson sate community college in Birmingham al...there an id of him online just type the school name a gucci mane id u will find it.

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Q: What college did Gucci Mane get kicked out of for selling drugs?
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He doesn't thank you very much

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start robbing liquor stores, selling drugs, stealing from friends and accepting hit man assignments

Did gucci mane ever sell drugs?

yes and he have A' he got them from a giril name nunu

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drugs fighting drinking uh anything against the rules but idk the rules there so ya Drinking, doing drugs, going to jails, all that stuff can get you kicked off your or a soccer why do it?? Drinking, doing drugs, going to jails, all that stuff can get you kicked off your or a soccer why do it??

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If it's illegal drugs: the police.

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he is not as bad as Isaiah.