WNTV was created in 1963.
KWID was created in 1963.
Parisu was created in 1963.
The Honeycombs was created in 1963.
The Improv was created in 1963.
Where or When was created in 1963.
Fair Exchange - TV series - ended on 1963-09-19.
Doctor Who - 1963 The War Machines Episode 3 3-44 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Australia:PG UK:PG (DVD rating)
Doctor Who - 1963 The War Machines Episode 1 3-42 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Australia:PG UK:PG (DVD rating)
Doctor Who - 1963 The War Machines Episode 2 3-43 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Australia:PG UK:PG (DVD rating)
Doctor Who - 1963 The War Machines Episode 4 3-45 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Australia:PG UK:PG (DVD rating)
There was 620 italian lire to 1 US dollar in 1963
WNTV was created in 1963.
KWID was created in 1963.
The Barracks was created in 1963.
Plantman was created in 1963.
Elskere was created in 1963.