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John Borja

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Q: What classification instrument of tongatong?
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What is the classification of a tongatong?

A tongatong is a type of idiophone percussion instrument classified as a type of slit drum. It is commonly found in the Philippines, where it is traditionally made from bamboo or other types of wood. The instrument produces sound by striking or tapping the slits on its surface.

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ang hirap namn!

What is a tongatong with picture?

A tongatong is a percussion instruments. The instrument is made up of bamboo of various lengths. Traditional tongatongs were used to communicate with spirits. Pictures of a tongatong can be found in books about traditional Philippine instruments.

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tongatong,saggeypo bungkaka kubing patteteg gongs

What is the meaning of tongatong?

Tongatong is a musical instrument from the Philippines made of bamboo, which produces a sound when struck. It is often used in traditional Filipino music and dances.

What are the instrument of cordillera?

Some traditional instruments from the Cordillera region in the Philippines include the gangsa (brass gongs), solibao (drum), diwdiw-as (bamboo mouth harp), and tongatong (bamboo percussion instrument). These instruments are used in various indigenous music and dances of the Cordillera tribes.

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Is the classification for a solid instrument that produces sound when it is hit scraped or struck.?

Idiophone is the classification for a solid instrument that produces sound when it is hit scraped or struck.

What are the musical instrument of the cordillera?

Guitar, Violin, Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Piano

What classification group is the cowbell in?

The cowbell is a percussion instrument.

What is the classification for a solid instrument that produces sound when it is hit scraped or struck?

Idiophone is the classification for a solid instrument that produces sound when it is hit scraped or struck.

What is the function of the tongatong?

EmButIdO . .. . . . I loVe U prE . . .