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scat man cerothers.

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Q: What classic rock song starts out with a scat?
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What classic rock song starts with the words In the beginning?

I know of an Emerson, Lake and Palmer song entitled, From the begininng, one of my favs!!

How is 'Classic Rock' different from 'Rock' music?

Rock Music has many genres including classic rock. Rock can be in general anyone that gets together and makes a song whether it light, heavy, and anything in between. What makes classic rock different is one thing longevity through the decades. When a classic rock song is made it bypasses all time it sounds good at any time any year and pleases a wide Audience. For example Def Leppards song Bringing on the Heartache sung by them is a classic rock song. Where as Maria Cary singing the same song is not a classic rock song.

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I don't understand the da da da thing, but a famous Rock song that starts with a syntheziser is Jump by Van Halen

What are slow classic rock songs?

Hotel California by the Eagles is a good, slow rock song. Another slow classic rock song is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. One by U2

What is the name of that classic rock song that starts with a motorcycle motor sound?

That's Billy Squier's "Everybody Wants You".

Is The Beatles a rock band?

They are considered Classic Rock, Oldies, or Pop, depending on the song.

What is the classic rock song so in love with you?

Amazing by LoneStar

What is the best classic rock song?

there is no best. its all great.

What is the tune to the scat song?

It depends , which song. One is "It starts with an S and it end with a T, it comes out of you and it comes out of me, I know what you're thinking but don't call it that be scientific and call it SCAT!" Another is "Scat makes the world go round, it's yummy nutrients go back into the ground, so when I ...step in a lump of SCAT , I jump for joy and tell myself that's where it's at" Those are just the choruses of the songs. HOPE THIS HELPED!

What is the most well known classic rock song?

Stairway to heaven

Where can you find a list of all classic rock songs?

at the song list

What is a classic rock song that describes the meaning of life or are words to live by?

Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane