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Manic Drive except the singer is sorta similar.

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Q: What christian band sounds like AC DC?
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Sounds like acdc?

A band that sounds like ac/dc somewhat is Thunder. Rhinobucket are like ac/dc too. they even had Simon Wright(who used to drum for ac/dc) in their lineup for a while.

What is a good band?

i like ac dc and guns n roses

WHO IS THE New band sounds like ac dc?

Quite possibly the answer to this question is an Australian band called Airbourne. They currently have a song on the radio called " too much too young too fast". Also their song "runnin wild" is becoming popular. Hope this helps.

Why ac on a 1993 prelude cool but not cold?

sounds like your gay. pretty gay

Who is AC?

Ac/Dc is an Australian rock band.

When was the band AC DC founded?

The band AC DC was formed in the early 70's about 1973.

Is Attack Attack a Christian band?

"We are NOT a christian band" -Attack Attack! blog Originally some members were Christian, mainly the vocalist/songwriter Austin Carlile, who wrote the lyrics for the first album that were so blatantly Christian (with lines such as "Lord I will be anything for you. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, saved by grace."). He was kicked out of the band, and since then they have seemingly tried to distance themselves from their Christian past by writing songs such as "sexual man chocolate" and frequently cussing. None of their new songs have any hints of a Christian basis, so it is clear that Attack Attack! has changed completely. The real answer is no. Not anymore. But in the song Ac-130 you might get a feeling they are a christian band.

Why does your AC in your jeep wrangler only work when it is moving?

Sounds like you cooling fan is not working.

Why does Ac blows cold when accelerating only?

Sounds like it is low on freon. Probably has a leak.

When you turn on your ac it makes a noise then it goes away why on a 2004 navigator?

Check the belt on the ac compressor of the 2004 Navigator. It sounds like the belt is slipping when the ac first comes on.

What is wrong if the AC on a '98 Dodge Caravan won't operate unless you tap the AC clutch relay?

That sounds like a sticking clutch relay.

What band sucks?

any hard rock crap like ac/dc and bon jovi