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Q: What can you drink to vommit?
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What is the diminutive of kitchen?

A diminutive kitchen is sometimes called a kitchenette.

In need to vomit and no bathroom?

Grab an old trash barrel, a bucket, a mixing bowl or a pot and vommit im there, but you should vommit in a toilet because you can get rid if the puke faster. If you need to get rid of the vommit in the bowl or bucket, pour it down a sink as fast as you can because the sight oof your mashed up food could lead to you puking again, but make sure it doesnt clog the drain.

What do you hope the person next to you at a concert refrains from doing?

smoke, scream, sing, dance, talk, vommit

Can eating carrots cause nausea?

Everytime I am on the plane (or car, or ship, or bus) and I eat carrots, I tend to vommit.

What is Aries star color?

The star colors are brown, white, orange, purple, red, green, blue, yellow, green-blue, raddish red, Vommit green, Omlet yellow.

How is chocolate made?

Unsweetend chocolate is made of very bitter wine in the olden days and they would add very nasty bitter bitter Dark Chocolate .my comment i tried that once it made me vommit

How is unsweetened chocolate made?

Unsweetend chocolate is made of very bitter wine in the olden days and they would add very nasty bitter bitter dark chocolate .my comment i tried that once it made me vommit

How long does it take to die from drinking antifreeze?

If the cat drank to much it could die in a day or so, if it drank a smaller amount it could vommit it out and be okay, but i would still take to the vet just incase.

Is Bon Scott dead?

Yes. Bon Scott, lead singer of AC/DC, died in 1979 because he choked on his own vommit while he was passed out in the back of an automobile after a night of binge drinking. He didn't get a mistress for Christmas.

My duck threw up is it sick?

Most likely not. There are very few, if any diseases that cause vommiting in ducks and these are very rae. Ducks often consume large ammounts of water while eating. They sometimes fill their crops too full and thus vommit. Also if you are holding a duck and put pressure on the crop this causes ducks to vommit. Also if the duck was held upside down.

Not pregnant but why my feet hurt sleepy all the time master headaches vommit alot breast hurt n back n bleeding heavy every time i have a period wats wrong with me?

If yo are experiencing pregnancy symptoms but the tests are negative, I would advise that you visit a gynecologist.