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Unfortunately, the answer from Ducks3599 is absolutely false. The cello DID NOT come before the violin and Louis Spohr was certainly NOT the "creator" of the violin as L. Spohr lived mostly in the 19th century. First mentions or depictions of violin go back to the 12-13th centuries. The 'cello (short of violoncello) did not come into the view until the 15th century.


While this information is technically correct, the violin and cello, in basically their current form, both came into being in the mid 1500's as being designed by Andreas Amati. "Violins" prior to that time had a different shape and less strings. Other instruments that they evolved from, such as the viola da gamba, had versions that were of similar size to both but had more strings and frets.

David Lashof - Professional violin maker and appraiser.

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8y ago
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8y ago

well, they were both out at the same time technically. It started out in the early 1200's when they made music with sticks and types of weeds. eventually Japan came out with the theory of the guitar in the 1600s and the violin was a type of this theory, so they were pretty much out at the same time. but id say the guitar came first, considering you need a bow to play violin

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10y ago

Unfortunately, the answer from Ducks3599 is absolutely false. The cello DID NOT come before the violin and Louis Spohr was certainly NOT the "creator" of the violin as L. Spohr lived mostly in the 19th century. First mentions or depictions of violin go back to the 12-13th centuries. The 'cello (short of violoncello) did not come into the view until the 15th century.

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12y ago

The Ukulele was originally developed in Hawaii based on an instrument from the Portuguese islands of Madeira. That occurred about 1890. The guitar was around a lot longer than that, but they are both similar to the lute.

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13y ago

Violin, though most of its changes that made it what it is today happened in the 16th century, and the final touches in the 16th century

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13y ago

The Piano was invented around 1706, and the Guitar has been around for more then 4,000 years. So the Guitar came before the Piano.

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14y ago

The harp. The harp was around in Ancient China and guitar didn't appear until later.

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13y ago

The viola came first, though they were both made in the same century there has been evidence that the viola was created before the violin.

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10y ago

The ukulele originated in 1879, so the guitar was around a long time before that.

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15y ago

Violin was first made 15th century. The guitar in the 16th.

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Is an ukulele a guitar or a bass?

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Did the ukulele come first or the guitar?

The banjo is older than the ukulele as the banjo was created between the 18th and 19th century by African slaves in the US whereas the ukulele was derived from Hawaii where it is believed Portuguese soldiers at the end of the 19th century introduced this instrument to the locals of Hawaii.

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It will depend on what sized ukulele and what size guitar as well as how they are tuned. A 'standard' sized ukulele is going to have a higher pitch than most guitars. However, a baritone ukulele is going to be pretty similar to that of a guitar.

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No, it's not a country. The ukulele is a small guitar type of instrument.

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Does Julia Nunes play the ukulele?

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