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I am assuming that you are referencing X-rays as the actual X-Ray Machine, in which case the Radio. There have been X-Ray like devices but more like using light and a reflector, and radios can be simple metal coils that act as receivers.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

TELEGRAPH came first In 1832 invented by Samuel Morse while RADIO It first became a possibility when the English physicist Michael Faraday demonstrated in 1831 that an electrical current could produce a magnetic field. In 1864, James C. Maxwell, a professor of experimental physics at Cambridge, proved mathematically that electrical disturbances could be detected at considerable distances. In 1888, a German, Heinrich Hertz, demonstrated that Maxwell's prediction was true for transmissions over short distances. The Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi then perfected a radio system that in 1901transmitted Morse Code over the Atlantic Ocean from England to Newfoundland.

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Q: What came first the telegraph or radio?
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The telegraph first came into existence around 1832. Simple and general components of a telegraph include an acid tube, hydrogen bubbles, and wires.

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Printing began in 1345 in Germany. Next in your line of query would actually be telegraph before radio. Radio in the early 1900's and finally moving image with the invention of movies in the 1920's, but before moving image there had to be the invention of film. The camera was invented in 1830, but it didn't use film and film came about in the late 1800's. So, in sequence I would put. Print, telegraph, radio, phone, camera, film, moving image.

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Did Guglielmo Marconi invent the radio?

Guglielmo Marconi developed the first long distance wireless telegraph. He also broadcast the first transatlantic radio signal in 1901.

How was early radio different from early telegraph system?

The difference is the telegraph required wires; the radio did not. But other then that, they were mostly the same.

Which year did guglielmo marconi invent the wireless telegraph?

We know that in St. Louis, Missouri, Nikola Tesla made the first public demonstration of a modern wireless system in 1893 but The Marconi Company Ltd. was founded by Guglielmo Marconi in 1897 as The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company. He also a patent for the radio which taken away from him a given to Nikola Tesla after studies showed he came with the radio before Marconi and that Marconi used 17 patents from Tesla to achieve his radio which a short range radio compared to Tesla's long range radio.

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Who developed the wireless telegraph and radio?

the first to patent the wireless telegraph was Marconi. his system used spark gap transmitters and coherer detectors. it was not until effective vacuum tubes were invented that voice could be sent on radio.