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Bill smokes Marlboro. Not sure about Tom but I probably guess the same.

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marlboro red cigarettes

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Q: What brand cigarettes does bill and tom kaulitz smoke?
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Continue Learning about Music & Radio

What is bill kaulitz's dress style?

glam rock, punky, emo, sparkle, feather, leather, shiny, just....kaulitzy. 100% Bill Kaulitz He's like...his own brand.

Is bill kaulitz left or right handed?

Bill Kaulitz is right handed. As a matter of fact, they are all right handed.

Is mikey bill kaulitz dad?

No Jörg Kaulitz is.

Do Bill and Tom Kaulitz smoke?

they say they don't ,but they really do (but not very much). Yes they do you can see them in pictures from the maldives and the comet awards.

What are tom and bill kaulitz step-dads name?

gordan trumper thts why bill and toms FULL names ar tom kaulitz trumper bill kaulitz trumper :)ima be cheyenne mccormick kaulitz trumper

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Does tom and bill kaulitz drink and smoke?

yes they do

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What is bill kaulitz's favorite brand of microphones?

It is not known his FAVOURITE brand but he uses a Sennheiser.

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Why does bill kaulitz smoke and his twin too?

they're just casual smokers and drinkers

Who is hotter Bill Kaulitz or Nick Jonas?

Bill Kaulitz

What is bill kaulitz's dress style?

glam rock, punky, emo, sparkle, feather, leather, shiny, just....kaulitzy. 100% Bill Kaulitz He's like...his own brand.

Bill or William kaulitz?

Bill Kaulitz,

What is the birth name of Bill Kaulitz?

Bill Kaulitz's birth name is Bill Kaulitz-Trmper.

Is Bill kaulitz's name Wilhelm?

No, Bill Kaulitz's name is Bill Kaulitz, not Wilhelm. 'Bill' is not short for anything.

What brand of eyshadow does bill kaulitz use?

He's said he never follow a certain brand, just what he finds at the store. Maybeline.

Does bill kaulitz like you?

Bill Kaulitz likes all of his fans.