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Interacting with spirits can be dangerous. I wouldn't do it at all, if I were you.

If you're really intent on contacting the dead, use a ouija board. I've heard their quite effective, though I've never used one myself.

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14y ago

things that they had something to do while

they we're alive. but they cant go somewhere

where that havent been while they were alive.
Nothing because ghosts aren't real.

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Q: What attracts ghosts?
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magnify glass
Continue Learning about Music & Radio

When was The Ghosts of N-Space created?

The Ghosts of N-Space was created in 1995.

Does Bill Kaulitz believe in ghosts?

From a Habbo Chat: "Tokio.Hotel-VIP: No we don't believe in ghosts but we hope aliens exist." Apparently Bill does not believe in ghosts.

Do ghosts sing?


When was Ghosts - Siobhán Donaghy album - created?

Ghosts - Siobhán Donaghy album - was created on 2007-06-25.

What is an instrument that attracts metal called?

A magnet

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Does hay attract ghosts?

it attracts ghosts buy the static of the hay

What attracts ghosts outside?

sounds and people that bother and mess with it

What age attracts ghosts?

The most typical age if like, infants, toddlers and very young children. They have the ability, like cats and dogs to sense what is not there

What is perennell flamel's aura?

perenell flamels aura is pure white, but she covers it with blues and greens and yellows. she does this because her pure white aura attracts ghosts.

What is a hypothesis about ghosts?

The leading scientific hypothesis about ghosts is "Ghosts do not exist."

What color attracts love bugs?

white attracts them

Are there ghosts in Purcellville Virginia?

There is no such thing as ghosts, so no, there are no ghosts in Purcellville, Virginia.

Are there ghosts in bhangarh?

NO Ghosts do not exist.

Are ghosts haunting?

Ghosts do not exist.

Can the ghosts attack you?

No, ghosts are harmless.

Was the ghosts really killed from the movie thirteen ghosts?

In the movie Thir13en Ghosts, the ghosts are released from the house and their bonds at the end of the movie.

What are expert staff ghosts?

fast staff ghosts, are ghosts that are at least 7 seconds faster than the normal ghost.Expert staff ghosts are ghosts that you can race in Time Trials. These ghosts are made by proffessionals that work at Nintendo who set this time. These ghosts are almost impossible to beat because they are so fast.