Beyond defying a traditional approach of absolute music (in where music represents nothing other than itself) words do not only add to the atmosphere of program music, but can be used as linguistic instruments in cooperation with the voice itself. Today, vocal music reigns supreme with its instrumental counterpart not seeing the same success. So it can be seen that most view words as the ultimate form of expression therefore it is also a vehicle to more clearly and efficiently declare whichever message an artist chooses to convey. This is known as lyricism, though there are many artists today who choose to ignore this in favour of senseless words with disjointed meanings or no meanings at all.
If you are speaking about Music Theory, the regimented order is as such:
Syllabic: One note of music per syllable of text
Neumatic: Two notes of music per syllable of text
Melismatic: Multiple (more than two) notes of music per syllable of text.
One of Rostam's relationships
No some are about life experiance, and some are about nonsence.
Yes he has had previous relationships but he is currently single.
I most certainly do not. And judging by his past relationships, he is not.
They're not related.. They're just friends...
The cast of Kids Express 2010 Episode 1 - 2010 includes: Kylyra Ameringer as herself Wordmusic as himself Spike Bourne as himself Siofra Martin as herself KarrArikh Tor as himself
Relationships that cost are cost relationships.
What is the difference between collaborative relationships and transactional relationships?
competitive relationships product relationships spatial relationships
Teenage relationships nowadays aren't to different from adult relationships...
relationships in other departments.
It generally means the skills an individual has in building and maintaining relationships with others.
For proportional relationships the ratio is a constant.
Sentence relationships are relationships that the couples only talk using sparling sentences and not a conversation.
politics kills relationships
Preteen relationships are relationships that are held before the adolescents reach their teenage years (13).
Political relationships fall into the realm of social relationships, whose incentive is to gain power, and authority.