To render moving or still images, display data in a graphical fashion, or to just vomit up a screen of static. Most televisions also have the capability to receive remote broadcasts of such information and use sound as well.
The TV series Ripper Street uses a lot of different music. The name of the theme song for the show is Honeytrap by Dominik Sherrer.
no your brain uses a direct electrical current as well as chemical impulses while radio is an electromagnetic wave similar to light and x-rays
AM radio operates at 500-1500kHz, which translates to 600-200 m wavelengths. TV uses several non-contiguous frequency bands starting at 54 MHz which translates to wavelengths of 5.556 m and below. Clearly AM radio has much longer wavelengths.
TVs receiving broadcast programming do, they just use it to produce both picture and sound; instead of just sound as an ordinary radio does. TVs receiving cable programming don't. TVs receiving satellite programming do, but the radio waves are in the microwave band transmitted from the satellite and received by your dish, where they are down converted via a microwave superheterodyne stage in the dish so that they are in the frequency range the TV can handle.
because on the em spectrum, radio waves are the lowest. if a tv used a higher raadioactive source like uv and you were exposed to it to much (by watching to much tv) you could get cancer and die unfortunately.
electrical and electronic is the same thing your TV uses electricity
CBS uses the eye as a symbol.
Children do.....
cable modem - A technologythat uses cable TV lines for data transmission
Russell Harty
the tv
There are 2 systems: active (which uses special glasses with electronic shutters) and passive (which uses polarization and special glasses).
tv, radio, internet etc...........
Television or computer.
metamucil :)
The television series Glee uses 'Time of our Lives' by Rebecca Black as its theme song.