Bananafishbones - Godspeed. Took ages to find it/
Short phrases such as song titles cannot be protected by copyright.
song 1 and song 2
The who
The way to get titles for your writing is to finish the writing first. Then, titles will come to you based on what you have written. Most song titles come from something in the song or from a person's name. Write the song, then use part of a line as your title.
Bananafishbones - Godspeed. Took ages to find it/
Oil and water
Song Titles are put into italics.
Short phrases such as song titles cannot be protected by copyright.
PM Dawn -Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
Underlining and italicizing are the same thing. Song titles should be quoted.
Song titles, like the titles of poems, should be placed in quotation marks.
In a novel, can you put song titles in italics?
You cannot edit song titles directly from your iPod. You can only do it through iTunes.
They are song titles.
song 1 and song 2
The who