it is a holy day
There is no such commandment. The reason for this notion is a tradition that started with the commandment "Keep Holy the Sabbath Day." It was interpreted to mean that people should not labor gainfully on the Sabbath. Sunday is, however, not the Sabbath. The fact that Sunday is the holy day of the week is a Christian tradition.
There is no special preparation day for keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Keeping the Sabbath Day holy basically means attending church on Sunday and keeping that day focused on God.Answer:Satan has truly confounded and confused the laws of God and times (Dan.7:25) in the hearts and minds of men since Adam and Eve chose him over their Creator, to worship and obey in the beginning.God's reckoning of a 24-hour day is different from the way man observes it today. With God, the new day begins with the going down of the sun. No "wristwatch" is needed.With man... the new day begins in the satanic "witching hour" of "midnight."With God, the 24-hour day always begins with the "night time" portion in "PREPARATION" for the daylight portion."...And the EVENING and the MORNING were the first day." (Gen.1:5)"...And the EVENING and the MORNING were the second day." (verse 8)See also verses: (13, 19, 23 and 31).The "seventh" day of the week, which God established to remind man of creation and that He is the Creator, is the only day of the week which HE GAVE A NAME."In the end of the SABBATH, as it began to dawn toward the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK..." (Matt.28:1).Few people, in spite of the global calendar confusion in the world, today, have any difficulty understanding in the above verse in Matthew 28, that it is talking about the days of the week we call "Saturday" (the Sabbath) and "Sunday" (the first day of the week).And the Holy Spirit of God inspired it in the "New Testament"... it's not a verse from the Old. The Holy Spirit either knows (even in these "New Testament times") when the Lord's Sabbath is (on the seventh day)... or it forgot that it was changed to Sunday... and made a mistake in this verse.The "preparation" for the Sabbath, in any event, is difficult for modern man to fathom when his days begin sometime in the middle of the night. From the Lord's perspective, however... the "preparation" of any of our Creator's sabbath days (weekly or annual) is the "night time portion" of that sabbath day, beginning at sundown.
To make something holy in the Hebrew sense is to separate: set it it apart and make it unique [unto God]. In terms of the Sabbath, we are challenged to find delight and joy, refrain from "labor" and "creation", and study God's Word.
When God first made the world, it took six days then rested on the seventh day. As part of the rules of Judaism, HaShem commanded that we honour the 7th day with a day of rest, this is called Shabbat. Shabbat starts sundown Friday and ends sundown Saturday. During Shabbat, Jews prayer and refrain from the 39 forms of work specified in the Torah.
To keep the ordinances and commandments of God in keeping pure and spotless on sabbath day.
A Sabbath-day is a day kept holy as the Sabbath.
The fourth commandment is about observing the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. The violations is working during the Sabbath instead of going to church for worship.
the sabbath is a holy day of rest
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
The Seventh Day.
As it says in the bible, The seventh day was to be the sabbath, the holy day. Not every day is holy, just the sabbath, the day of rest, for that's when God finished his creation of the Earth.
it is a holy day
Yes it does
Yes. Exodus 20:8, " Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (Wikipedia)