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Though a relatively small country, Uganda boosts a host of 'beliefs'.
Better put as: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Traditional beliefs, etc.

Christianity has Catholics, Protestants (pentecostal), Adventists, Orthodox, 'Born- Agains', etc,
Then Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, traditional beliefs, the list goes on....

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15y ago
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13y ago

there is no official religion,they have religious freedom there. I think you are asking for the religion of the majority. very different. About 80% Christianity, about 7% Muslim are the main faiths

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9y ago

Uganda is roughly 42% Catholic, 43% Protestant and 12% Muslim. The remaining 3% are any number of indigenous religions, non-religion or may be part of the major religions, where census data does not reach.

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14y ago

indigenous religions or tribal religions

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