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you need:

four horns and one ox bell

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Q: What are the notes of the song of Hathor?
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What are the real lyrics of the Song of Hathor?

Egypt mourns Tutankhamen Killed by a stepmother' knife. The Song of Hathor shall declare Senkhara took his life.

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If you look up the notes to The Remembrants' song "I'll be There For You", you'll have the notes to the theme song since that is the theme song!

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The notes for the song "No One" can be found on the sheet music for the song. The song is a song sung by Alicia Keys.

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Obviously there is notes for the song or else it wouldn't be a song. There is whole notes, quarter notes- not sure about sixteenth notes.... Anyway, there is a note in each word in lyrics. There is always notes in a song. You can look up notes for certain instruments. There is lots of guitar in this song (for example) so there must be notes. So... Yea!

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When was Hathor was god?

Hathor was a goddess of Ancient Egypt.

Hathor's family tree?

In Egyptian mythology Hathor was the child of Nut and Ra. Hathor was also the wife to Horus.