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I was reading mathew and revalations, and it was speaking on those straddled the fence yall, there were those, living a christian life, still doing, still doing things of sinful men, you see ya can't be saved today and... a sinner tomorrow ohh you got to be one or the other (you cant be) luke warm....luke warm

(Let me say this verse)
Jesus said obey my commandments and if you do this one thing yeah all men will be (free from sins) you see you cant be saved today and sinner tomorrow ooh you got to be one or the other (you cant be) luke warm.... luke warm

(You've got to be) saved and sanctified x2

(Fill your): Filled with the holy ghost x2
ooh you've got to be or the other

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15y ago

People always tell me how happy I could be,

I'm never gonna find out.

A house in the burbs and a bitchin' SUV is how I'm never gonna wind up.

I didn't know Lennon or King or Kennedy,

but i know one thing, you gotta know yr enemies.

People always tell me how happy I could be,

I'm never gonna find out.

Better to suffer it than live under it.

I'm never gonna be just fine, no way.

I'm never gonna be that guy,

I'm never gonna be just fine,

but there are times i need you to remind me.

I'm never gonna be that guy.

I'm never gonna be just fine.

I never wann say that my best days are behind me.

I never want to be lukewarm again.

If being frightened means that I'll always be aware,

I'm always gonna be scared.

Everybody's got a way of working out the world,

like E is M and C squared

There's Budda and Hohammed and JC and all them,

and I'm ivri (Baruch ata HaShem).

Everybody's got a way of working out the world,

I'm never gonna find out.

Better to suffer it than to live under it.

I'm never gonna be just fine, no way.

I'm never gonna be that guy,

I'm never gonna be just fine,

but there are times I need you to remind me,

I'm never gonna be just fine.

I never wanna say my best days are behind me.

I never wanna be lukewarm again

there is a summer, its all the time, for every one of us.

MAYBE these are it try googling it

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Luke warm is most comfortable.

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How do you spell luke warm?

It is one word, lukewarm (not very hot).

What does multi-faith mean?

Multi means "Many" So a person with multi faith is neither hot no cold but is luke warm, and is of no use to God. Remember He said 'He who is luke warm I will spew thee from my mouth".

Why would the church be called luke warm?

They called this when they are not a believing and active church.

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gargle with luke warm salt water