Baby shark, Doh-doh, doh, doh
Baby shark, Doh-doh, doh, doh
Baby shark, Doh-doh, doh, doh
Baby shark
Repeat with:
Momma Shark
Daddy Shark
Grandpa Shark
Swimmer Dude
Hungry Shark
Swam away
Swam way too slow
Lost a leg
Happy shark
Call 9-1-1
It's too late
That's the end
There are many songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby". One of the most popular songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby" is "Oops I Did It Again".
Having My Baby by Paul Anka.
His song One Time or One Less Lonely Girl
female rocky song
The song is "On a Cloud" by PPP.
One can find the lyrics to the song "Baby" from the following lyrics websites: AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, Sing 365, Lyrics 007, Lyrics Freak, Lyrics Mania, Song Lyrics, to name a few.
There are many songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby". One of the most popular songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby" is "Oops I Did It Again".
Having My Baby by Paul Anka.
His song One Time or One Less Lonely Girl
Lyrics to Pool Shark can be found on an unofficial Sublime fan site, Sublime Spot. Alternatively, the lyrics to this song can be found on sites such as Sing356, Songmeanings, Azlyrics, and Songfacts.
female rocky song
The song is "On a Cloud" by PPP.
its cowld baby baby baby boy
john lenon?
'çause your just a baby doll