1. Life is like a mighty sea
So tossed and driven.
Billows rise within the heart of every man
Storms so many times will
Leave the heart with questions
But I don't need to understand
Just hold His hand
I don't need to understand
I just need to hold His hand
I don't ever need to ask the reason, why
For I know He'll make a way
Through the night and through the day
I don't need to understand
I just need to hold His hand.
2. When my life down here is through
And Jesus calls me
To my home up there, beyond the golden shore.
I'll look back, review the path
That lay before me.
Then I won't need to understand anymore
Ray Isaac - Dont Want
I don't know the lyrics but you can go 2 Lyrics.com and search for the lyrics if u dont know dont answer
If you mean "how do you understand the lyrics ?" you just have to learn them and sing along. That is the way it is for me, I can't understand what he is saying and it sounds like a different language but as soon as I learn the lyrics I can hear what he is saying perfectly.
i dont know i know one song that goes like that
it is goo to understand...
Nina Storey - No Man
Ray Isaac - Dont Want
so they dont shut down
I dont understand the "need you love". Did you really mean "I need YOUR love?"
I don't know the lyrics but you can go 2 Lyrics.com and search for the lyrics if u dont know dont answer
When translating a song they don't do it straight off because it might sound like crap. As long as the feeling of the song is correct with what they intended they are happy with the translation. **yes but it doesn't seem that those lyrics are very interchangable. How does that give the same feeling....or do i just not understand the song. words that rhyme in German don't necessarily rhyme in English... they have to re-write most songs to get them to sound good!!!! **I understand the lyrics have to be changed to make sence in English, but supposedly the meaning of the song should stay the same. My question really is, how do the English and German lyrics give the same feeling. i don't understand what the meaning of the song is.
I dont understand, i need help
I dont really understand what your asking but if your asking what you need to play it is flash.
I Don't Really Understand Your Question... If You Can Provide Further Explanation I Might be able to help you! :)
I also need an answer am a learn i dont understand why are you asking me
you people need to understand that i dont know this stupid question
i dont no