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You Took My Heart Away- Michael Learns To Rock.

Staring at the moon so blue

Turning all my thoughts to you

I was without hopes or dreams

I tried to dull an inner scream but you

Saw me through

Walking on a path of air

See your faces everywhere

As you melt this heart of stone

You take my hand to guide me home and now

I'm in love


You took my heart away

When my whole world was gray

You gave me everything

And a little bit more

And when it's cold at night

And you sleep by my side

You become the meaning of my life

Living in a world so cold

You are there to warm my soul

You came to mend a broken heart

You gave my life a brand new start and now

I'm in love


Holding your hand

I won't fear tomorrow

Here where we stand

We'll never be alone


You become the meaning of my life

You become the meaning

You become the meaning of, my life

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Q: What are the lyrics of song you took my heart away?
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