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The duties of the mission department in a Baptist church can vary greatly, since Baptist churches are autonymous (self-governing). Additionally, missions can be understood as international only. However, for many, national, regional, and local missions may also be dealt with. However, there are some common themes.

1. Promotion/Training. The missions department/committee/team should

-Train the membership in areas of Christian mission

-Disseminate missions information for support and prayer

-Encourage and train members to be involved in missions work

2. Support.

-Support missionaries and/or missions projects (materially/financially)

-Maintain contact between church and mission groups/missionaries

-Encourage missions giving

-Provide input to the Finance Committee/church on mission budget

3. Involvement.

-Provide opportunities for missions involvement.

-Develop STM opportunities

-Partner with other departments or other churches on missions

This list may not be exhaustive... but it is certainly a good start.

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Q: What are the duties of the mission department in a Baptist church?
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