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They don't have a do-re-mi name. In comparison to the other keys, they are referred to as sharps or flats. Also, they are half step higher and a half step lower than the notes to the left and right of them.

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Q: What are the black keys called in the do-re-mi system?
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Related questions

What do you call an area on a piano that are black and white?

They are called keys.

How come the black keys on a piano can't be called naturals when some of the white keys can be flats and sharps too - such as E sharp?

None of the black keys cover any natural notes.

How many keys on a piano are black?

36 black keys are on a piano.

When was The Black Keys created?

The Black Keys was created in 2001.

What are the piano's black keys called?

the black keys on the piano are sharps and flats. If the note is flat they you will play the next key to the left. If they note is sharp, you will play the next key to the right.

36 B K on a P?

36 black keys on a piano35 Black Keys on a Piano. In reality, there are 36 black keys and 52 white keys, to total 88 keys on a piano.

How many black keys are there on a standard piano?

The standard modern piano has 36 black keys and 52 white keys. The same is true for full size keyboards. The piano is the most popular solo instrument in the world.

Why can't you call any of the black keys 'naturals'?

Black keys are a modification of the notes on the white keys

How many white keys does a piano have?

There are 52 white keys and 36 black keys on piano, what makes total 88 keys. Most of the modern pianos have 88 keys.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Black Keys Live - 2005?

The cast of The Black Keys Live - 2005 includes: The Black Keys as Themselves

Who is more important Vampire Weekend or the Black Eyed Keys?

There's no such thing as the Black Eyed Keys. It's either the Black Eyed Peas or Black Keys.

How many keys are on a piano and how many are black and how many are white?

Almost every modern piano has 36 black keys and 52 white keys for a total of 88 keys in all.