

Best Answer

Everyone is going to have a different answer to this question. It depends completely on the tone that you are going for. My personal answer to this question would be a Gibson Les Paul Custom. The neck is extremely playable and offers a deep and rich tone out of its humbucking pickups.

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Q: What are the best guitars in the world?
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What is the best guitar store for price and variety?

Best buy and best place is Music World there are varieties of guitars, AAscoutic guitars, Bass guitars, Ukeleles etc. and so forth at reasonable retail prices where it will not damage your pockets

Does Gibson make good guitars?

Gibson makes some of the best and most recognizable guitars in the world today. They're a great brand.

What are the best 5 guitars in the world?

it is an opinion question. it only matters who you like!

What is a good acoustic guitar for a child?

The best brands of guitars is the Gibson guitars or gb&a guitars.

What years chenault guitars made?

Chenault guitars are made right here in the U.S.,Tennessee to be more precise.Made on a small scale for years these may be the best kept secret in the guitar world.

What is the Mission statement for Gibson Guitars?

to rip everyone off with overpriced guitars haha... seriously though , to make the best guitars possible. Theres a world outside of just Gibson though most just want les pauls and marshalls but theres guitars at fractions of the cost that sound 100 times better.

Are gibsons the best guitars?

YEP :)

What are the best electro acoustic guitars?

There are lots of good electro acoustic guitars in the world. The best is only a personal preference that suits the guitar player. I recommend you save money to buy the most you can reasonably afford and when you buy it, have it "set-up" to suit your style of playing.

How many guitars can you play with on Guitar Hero World Tour?

i think you can only play with two guitars

How currently positive are reviews for Blueridge guitars?

Blueridge guitars are a fairly well praised brand of guitars. One can purchase Blueridge guitars at music stores or at electronic stores like Best Buy or Amazon.

What is the gross sales of guitars in the world?


Best way to import guitars from china?

You can get good fender guitars from a site called