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Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan

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I don't need no doctor

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Q: What are ten songs with double negative words in the title?
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Who wrote the song named words?

"Words" is the title of several songs. Click the link for a list of them.

What songs contain the words princess in the title?

"Punk Rock Princess" by Something Corporate

What songs have more than ten words in the title?

9 = i once was lost, but now i am profound.

What songs have word in the title?

"This song is just six words long" by Weird Al Yankovic

What name describes two negative words put together in the same sentence?

This is called a double negative.

What connects Roxy music Wet Wet Wet and ABBA?

ABBA was famous for repeat words as the title to their songs. Examples: I Do I Do I Do I Do (4), Honey Honey, Ring Ring.

What are the songs that are played on the tv show teen mom?

Its not specific songs just what fits the scene. It should pop up at the bottom of the screen with the artist and title. If not try to remember some of the words and go to and search the words. - Hope that helps

Is calling someone a gay homosexual a double negative?

No, it's not a double negative, since there is no negative in the phrase. It's tautology (using two words that both mean the same thing). Unless you mean gay in the old fashioned way, of light-hearted and happy. Then you're calling them a happy gay, which should cheer them up no end.

Where might one go to find the words to Christmas songs?

Carolcorner and Lyricsforchristmas are two good sources for words to Christmas songs. Carolcorner is the easiest to use. It has a simple search box. Just hit the first letter of a song title and it brings up a list.

Where might one go to find lyrics to songs by Switchfoot?

A search using the words " Lyrics To Songs By Switchfoot" will give a multiple list of web sites. These sites will allow people to look up any of the songs both by song title and lyrics.

What are some songs that have Family Guy in them?

If you mean literally the 2 words Family & Guy, there's probably a great many songs. The only one that probably has the title Family Guy in it is the Family Guy Theme

What songs have the words wall I in them?

There are many songs with the word wall either in the song itself or in the title. One of the most well known of them is The Wall by Pink Floyd released in 1979.