1. Successful
2. Sensational
3. Beautiful
4. Awesome
Empowering, talented, strong, beautiful, rich
Yes. Solange was born on June 24th, 1986 (23) & Beyonce was born on September 4th, 1981 (28).
IV is the roman numeral four and their favorite number is four. Blue is the cover of the album Jay-Z released.
beyonce beyonce
beyonce of cource
Verbs are not describing words, adjectives describe nouns; the word Cleopatra is a noun. Some adjectives that describe Cleopatra are:historicpivotalfemaleGreekEgyptiansuicidalclevercompelling
No, four is a noun.Actually, cardinal numbers (like four) are adjectives,describing "how many." Sample sentence: There are four seasons in every year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
adjectives are describing words and adverbs are the word when,where and who.
various adjectives of politician
Local (describing baker) and fresh (describing bread) are adjectives.
Yes. adjectives are also called describing words
Adjectives for people could beHappyMadsadboringgrossstinkygoodcoolawesome
The adjectives are noisy and crowded, describing an unnamed place.