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To be specific, it is not really considered an entry level guitar overall as Gibsons for one are much more expensive than most beginning Guitarists can afford and appreciate. The Les Paul studio is basically the lower end of the spectrum of that particular body style within Gibson, as it offers a more stripped down appearance; craftsmanship is lessened, the parts are not as quality, no binding (which is generally to keep it comfortable to play, as non bound Guitars often have an issue with the fret wire cutting your fingers when you move across the neck.) Studios also have different pickups than their $2100-6000 range. They are not bad pickups at all, but are not as quality. Think, in the guitar world what you pay for is what you get in almost all cases.

I would not suggest a Les Paul studio for a beginner, but instead opt for the Epiphone line of Les Pauls which offer great quality and are in a more mid price range. Generally 4-700 bucks. That way, they know they have a good enough guitar to keep for a few years while they get better at playing so it inspires them to continue, but also its not so expensive that they have to worry too much about it getting damaged. I don't necessarily suggest complete bottom feeder guitars for beginners nowadays because they are poorly made, hard to play, and if a beginner isn't attached to his first instrument, chances are he/she won't continue to play. Guitar is an expensive hobby/pastime/profession to waste the money and honestly, most people starting out nowadays just don't have the attention span to keep going, so its best not to get them discouraged.

Remember, the Gibson Les Paul in general is almost like a right of passage for most of us guitar players, so when someone sees a little kid who hasn't learned anything but is walking around with a $5,200 1959 reissue Gibson Les Paul, its HIGHLY frowned upon. When said beginner really is serious and proves that they are purely dedicated to that initial instrument(s), then they should progress to a higher quality guitar, as it will be appreciated and they will understand the value that goes into having such a high quality guitar.

I want to point out one more thing, as someone who owns expensive Les pauls. If you are considering getting a Gibson, stay away from the 'studio' models and save up for a 'standard' at the very least. In the long run it'll be much more worth it because you won't find yourself lusting after the higher end models quite as quickly (we call it GAS or Gear Acquisition are like potato chips, one isn't quite enough when you get serious).The 2008 'standard' models are very well received and some of the best they have done in the low $2,000 range in a long time. After about $2,500, that's where you start to get the REALLY nice Gibsons, like the ones built in the custom shop

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16y ago

If you mean the definition it means a beginners guitar.

Some great entry leval axe's are...

Fender strats

I'm not a massive fender fan but they are professional instruments and most of the pros you see have used them at least once. Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, David Gilmour and millions more.


Possibly the heaviest guitars there are. More in a metal direction and great quality for low prices.


Epiphone remakes Gibson (VERY EXPENSIVE BUT POSSIBLY THE BEST) guitars for lower prices but of course the quality is taken down a notch. I play an epihone right now! Great guitars for the money.

What most people do (myself included) is get a Squier Strat (copys of Fender Strats). These are bad guitars. Even worse are the really cheap guitars you see in catologs that are not focused on music at all. DONT GET ONE!!!

You will play better on a good guitar. If you feel serious about playing, spend the extra money and be rewarded. Go to a music store and try out what sounds good to you.

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