Oh, dude, Coldplay fans are called "Coldplayers." Like, it's totally obvious, right? I mean, what else would you call people who obsess over Chris Martin's soothing voice and dreamy lyrics? It's like calling Justin Bieber fans "Beliebers" or Beyoncé fans "Beyhive." Just one of those things, man.
Coldplay fans are called "Coldplayers." Yep, that's right, they just slap a "player" on the end of the band's name and call it a day. So if you catch someone belting out "Yellow" at the top of their lungs, you can confidently label them a Coldplayer. Just don't ask them to explain why Chris Martin always looks like he's about to cry.
The best Coldplay cover would have to be Viva la Vida based upon a poll that was taken by fans and listeners of the music band Coldplay. The second would have to be Fix You.
Coldplay was originally called starfish but after the forth member joined they bought the name "Coldplay" of another band that thought it was too depressing
Clocks by Coldplay is sung by Coldplay's singer, Chris Martin.
Ed's fans are called Sheerios.
Skillet's fans are called "panheads".
The best Coldplay cover would have to be Viva la Vida based upon a poll that was taken by fans and listeners of the music band Coldplay. The second would have to be Fix You.
Coldplay was originally called starfish but after the forth member joined they bought the name "Coldplay" of another band that thought it was too depressing
Coldplay has been around for a long time and are loved by many loyal fans. They have released many albums and many many songs since they have started playing. They released the song Talk on December 19th, 2005.
The title has not been determined yet...
They are called Raiders fans.
Violet Hill.
It's called 'Chinese Sleep Chant.'
Coldplay - The Scientist
Clocks by Coldplay is sung by Coldplay's singer, Chris Martin.
Dalmatians fans are called "dalmates" =]
After Romeos fans are called the Romeonators or aficiona.