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You should know all your scales..



B flat

A flat




And chromatic these scales should all be mastered if you play Trombone.

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Q: What are all the major scales for trombone?
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Related questions

How many scales on the trombone are there?


What is a good website to find both minor and major scales for trombone?

This site contains all 48 scales, (12 majors, 12 natural minors, 12 harmonic minors, and 12 melodic minors)

Do all songs have major scale?

No, songs can have major scales, minor scales, whole tone scales, etc.

What are the scales for a bass guitar?

The same scales as any instrument, all instruments play all scales. In western music - major scales, minor scales and modes are the main ones, but there are more.

What notes are used in the scales?

If you mean music scales, you need to be more specific, there are all sorts of scales - A m(inor), E flat (major),D (major)...

Do all major scales start on a white key?


Best way to learn guitar scales?

the way i learnt i major scales was by my teacher, he showed me the shape, and it applies to all major scales. just look on youtube or something for a Cmajor scale. its all over the place. minor scales arent so different, Aminor and C major even have exactly the same notes! now work that out! ;)

What are the 7 major scales for percussion?

There are 12 major scales, not 7.

How fast do grade 4 piano scales have to be?

It was a long time ago, but I believe it may be around... 104 bpm?

What is some important stuff about scales?

The word scale has at least 3 major meanings, all quite different. There are music scales, there are scales that measure things, and there are scales on fish. Specify what you are asking for.

What are the four major brass instruments?

Trumpet, Trombone, tuba and french horn are the four major brass instruments

How does major and minor scales sound different?

Major scales generally sound happier