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u smile



somebody to love

one time


love me

never say never

never let u go

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"You masturbate."

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Q: What are Justin bibers songs called?
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What is Justin bibers hair style called?

I call it "Justin Bieber's Haircut."

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Who is justin bibers sister?

Jazmyn Bieber :)

What is Justin Bibers tattoo?

Justin Bieber's tatoo is a bird and its on his stomitch

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he never had one

Were Justin bibers address?

He lives in a hole on the moon

What does Justin bibers tattoo look like?

Its A Bird

What is justin bibers first albulm name?

my world !! :)

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Is Justin bibers house big?

Justin biber lives in a box he don't eaven get paid all his songs come from back in the day baby Yes he does live in a box because he stinks

What is Justin bibers faviurite food?

spaghetti and meatballs of course!

What color are Justin bibers eye?

Mud colored brown