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Vivaldi's instruments were the violon and the piano

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Q: What are Antonio vivaldis instruments?
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Related questions

What was vivaldis full name?

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the full name of Vivaldi.

Vivaldis last name is?

First name is Antonio. Vivaldi is his last name.

What did vivaldis father do?

He was a barber before becoming a professional violinist.

What did Antonio Stradivari compose?

Antonio Stradivari composed string instruments such as violin,harp, cellos and guitars.

What is one of vivaldis pieces of music?

Some of Antonio Vivaldi's compositions are "Fall", "Winter", "Summer" and "Winter" they are all part of one huge composition called "The Four Seasons"

What instruments did Antonio Vivaldi play?

Antonio Vivaldi plays flute, oboe, bassoon, cello and violin. Vivaldi already wrote more than 500 concertos and 230 of these are strings and instruments.

What was a high point of vivaldis life?

His high point of his life was his music life.

Vivaldis music students at the conservatorio del'oospedale della pieti were?

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What ared 3 of vivaldis famous works?

Antonio Vivaldi is best known for composing The Four Seasons. The Four Seasons is a set of violin concertos depicting the seasons as Vivaldi saw/heard them. I'm sure you've heard Spring, which is the most recognized piece.

Who was Antonio Stradiveri?

Antonio Stradiveri was a crafter of stringed instruments. He was born in 1644 and established himself as the greatest maker of violins in the history of mankind before his death in 1737.

What German musicologist identified the four classes of musical instruments still used today?

Antonio Stradiuari

Does Antonio Banderas play any instruments?

In the movie Desperado he played and acoustic guitar. Hope this helps.