"Hey Jude" b/w "Revolution" was only ever released as a single in 1968. In later years, two "Best of" albums were compiled that included "Hey Jude". "Hey Jude" in 1970. "Past Masters - Volume 2" in 1988.
Hey Jude was never on a British Album. It was on a compilation album Capitol put out called Hey Jude. It was on a single in the US in 1967 b/w Revolution. It was the first single on the Apple label.
Hey Jude by The Beatles
Rust Never Sleeps
Hey Jude
Paul McCartney was aiming for a Country & Western feel in "Hey Jude".
Several, including Lay Madonna, Paperback Writer and Hey Jude. The album itself was a 3X platinum seller.
"Rain" was the B-side of "Paperback Writer" in 1966, and did not appear on an album until Hey Jude in 1970 in the US, and Rarities in the UK in 1979.
Hey Jude was never on a British Album. It was on a compilation album Capitol put out called Hey Jude. It was on a single in the US in 1967 b/w Revolution. It was the first single on the Apple label.
The "Hey Jude" album was a US Capital release only. American issues of Beatles albums always deleted a few tracks from each one. Hey Jude was a compilation of various "unreleased in the US on an album" tracks. All these songs are releaesed on CD on the original albums, or the Past Masters CD's.
Hey Jude by The Beatles
Rust Never Sleeps
it hasn't been released yet, when the release the album that its in then you will be able to buy it
White album, blue album, abbey road, yellow submarine, yesterday and today, meet the Beatles, help!, let it be, hey jude
Paul does keep repeating "Hey Jude" over and over or "make it Jude"
Hey Jude
Paul McCartney was aiming for a Country & Western feel in "Hey Jude".
The temptations cavered the song hey Jude May 27, 2008