A flute is in the woodwind family, but is made out of metal shapped in a long, hollow tube.
It is divided into three parts- head, body and foot joint.
The headjoint has a hole (embouchure hole) through the lip plate which is welded onto the tube.
The body has many keys, and all of the fingers (excluding the righthand thumb) rest here.
The right hand thumb sits on the E flat key on the foot joint, which is shapped like a backwards "h".
French Horns are instruments that are very curvy.
All the curves are valves that help make the sound you want.
The end is what people call a "bell," because it is in the shape of a bell.
On the other end of the Horn there is the mouthpiece.
You have to put on the mouthpiece yourself.
That is what a French Horn looks like.
(I would know, I play one)
it is like the voice of a mouse
The serial number of a horn tells you when it was made and where. Just look up a list online from the company that the horn was made by
The French horn. Though a brass instrument it most often sits with the woodwinds.
Yes french horn is the most important instrument
The slides on a french horn help carry the sound from the mouthpiece to the bell. I know this because i happen to play the french horn.
Similar to the modern version, but with less tubing and no valves.
Those are two terms for the same instrument.
It's under the bumper on the passenger side where the fog lights would go, it's a black plastic piece that looks like a french horn or tuba
it is like the voice of a mouse
The reason why the french horn is called a french horn is because, even if it started to develop in Germany it was completed in France, heinz the name French Horn
The French horn is a brass.
I should sound a little bit loud and not like a cow. I should know because I play the French Horn
Kinda. A mellophone is a trumpet pitched like a french horn. It has mostly trumpet fingerings.
The serial number of a horn tells you when it was made and where. Just look up a list online from the company that the horn was made by
Seriously? It looks like a horn. A rams horn. Come on now.
How do you make a trombone sound like a french horn? Put your hand in the bell and play all of the notes wrong. This is coming from a horn player, btw
Boochaka Boo Boo BOOchaka like a french horn "der dum der dum dum der" bla bla