The Americans call it the half note and the English call it a semi-breve.
A minim is a musical note equal in length to two crotchets. a half note when, in the time signature, the quarter note = 1 beat (any time signature/4). In any time/8, it would be a quarter note. Etc, etc...
A half note is usually just called a half note. Sometimes it is called a minim.
A minim is a musical note equal to two crotchet beats.
A minim is a musical note equal in length to two crotchets.
easiest stitch to master
4 quavers = one minim
A quarter note takes up 1 beat. A minim takes up 2 beats. Therefore, there are 2 quarter notes in a minim, or half note. a half note when, in the time signature, the quarter note = 1 beat (any time signature/4). In any time/8, it would be a quarter note. Etc, etc...
A minim is also known as the half note. When the duration of the note is considered, it contains two quarter notes (crotchets) or four eighth notes (quavers) or eight sixteenth notes (semiquavers) etc.