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Pop love songs.

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Q: What Genre Of Songs Did Elvis Presley Write?
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What songs did Otis blackwell write for Elvis Presley?

Elvis recorded the Otis Williams songs "Don't Be Cruel", "All Shook Up" and "Return to Sender."

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When did Elvis Presley write his first song?

Elvis never wrote a song by himself that he recorded, but he is credited as co-writing several songs. The earliest of these was "Heartbreak Hotel."

Which 9 songs did Elvis Presley write?

Elvis never wrote any of his music . He did get a percentage of it , writers allowed this to have the privilege to have Elvis do there song.It would never happen today.

What songs did the 12 bar blues write?

Elvis Presley- Hounddog and also Eliza Doolittle- Pack up! :D

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Elvis Presley did not write music

What year did Elvis Presley write cc rider?

he did not write music

What were the hit songs that Elvis Presley wrote for himself?

To set the record strait, Elvis Presley did write 2 songs he recorded. You'll be gone-1961 That's someone you'll never forget -1962. Source: Jorgensen, Ernst. Elvis by the Presleys. Liner Notes. BMG Heritage, 2005. The man who wrote most of Elvis Presley's songs was a black man named Otis Blackwell, who died penniless. Edit- Elvis only recorded 10 Otis Blackwell songs from 1956-1962. Blackwell was a successful producer as well as a writer, he did NOT die penniless He's certainly better known as a singer/performer rather than a singer/songwriter.

What song did david allan coe write for elvis presley?

Coe did not write any music for Elvis, but lists Elvis as one of his biggest influences.

Did Elvis write 'love me tender'?

it was released in 1956 Elvis Presley

Did Elvis Presley write the song singing tree because you know he did?

I think he did write it.

Did Elvis Presley write 'That's all Right'?

Yes, I think he did. :)