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David Guetta is a strong christian, said in his auto-bio.

In his song 'Without You' it is talking about him and god.

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What is the birth name of David Guetta?

David Guetta's birth name is Pierre David Guetta.

Is David Guetta Spanish?

David Guetta is French.

What is David guetta's real name?

David Guetta

How tall David Guetta?

David guetta is 5"9.

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Is David guetta a girl?

No, David Guetta is definitely a man.

Where David Guetta was born?

David Guetta was born in Paris,France in 1967

Who sings the song without you by David Guetta?

David Guetta and Usher

Who is David Guetta married to?

Cathy guetta

Is David Guetta white or black?

David Guetta is white. In fact he is from Paris.

What is David Guetta's birthday?

David Guetta was born on November 7, 1967.

Where can one watch a David Guetta video online?

One can watch a David Guetta video at YouTube or at Myspace. Pierre David Guetta, or simply David Guetta, is a French house music disk jockey and producer.