That wasn't The Beatles; that was Louden Wainwright III.
(All over the road... technicolor!)
they eat trash that has bacteria on it
Twice In the head and once in the crotch :)
Skin, member of Skunk Anansie
Yes, they do. If you have the skunk descented they are a very nice pet.AnswerI think they do, but it matters a lot with the owner. The owner will need to be calm and patient and willing enough to take care of the skunk. You might need to take some long thought before you get a pet skunk.I used to have a pet skunk. They make very good pets accept when they are babies they dont spray yet when they are older they will so you will have to get something taken out of them. when they are babies they need very rich milk normal milk is not rich enough and they will get sick they are very playful and cute!
the squirrel is singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm and the skunk is singing Farmer in the Dell
When a dog gets sprayed by a skunk, the smell can linger on their fur and spread to your house. Skunk spray contains a strong odor that can be difficult to remove.
It opens in the middle of Skunk Season.
Loudon Wainwright III
As 'skunk' weed contains a higher concentration of active alkaloids, specifically THC, there is an increased risk of psychosis amongst users. Other side-effects commonly affiliated with skunk include short-term memory loss, repository problems and issues with concentration and focus.
A striped skunk
No, Loudon Wainwright III wrote and sang the song.
What makes a skunk smell so terrible is a liquid they spray from their glands when they're feeling threatened. The skunk's smelly defensive fluid is called mercaptan.
Simple. God made the first man (and skunk) and that man who was named Adam named the skunk "Skunk!"
A skunk doesn't have a main preadator. A skunk sprays or attacks anything that threatens to kill it or frighten the skunk.
Dumb Cat Anti-Marking and Cat Spray Remover. It contains no enzymes and is formulated to work on cats fur. It even gets out Skunk Spray better than any product for skunk spray.
A skunk hollow is a shallow burrow made by a skunk, where it sleeps.