Their favorite food is fillet mineon and Chinese coleslaw.
According to Jonas Brothers live chat Joe Jonas's favorite song written by Jonas Brothers is Much Better.
can't have you
Nick's favorite food is steak. Joe's favorite food is chicken cutlet sandwhiches with mayo. Kevin's favorite food is sushi. For more Jonas facts go to
my favorite Jonas brothers song has to be pushing me away. i love the beat the lyrics and joe and nicks voice. i am in love with them. me and joe are destiny. i just know it. by melanie c.
Chocolate tacos
I know Joe does.... That's his favorite food.
According to Jonas Brothers live chat Joe Jonas's favorite song written by Jonas Brothers is Much Better.
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nick Jonas is my fiv
can't have you
Her favorite Jonas Brothers song is Tonight from the A Little Bit Longer album ;) ____________________________________________________________________
The Jonas Brothers - "My Favorite Boy" The Jonas Brothers - "My Favorite Boy"
Kevin Jonas favorite food is Sushi