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Everything that's in the tabloids in trash

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Q: Were all the rumours about Michael Jackson true?
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Who was the member Jackson 5 band?

MICHAEL JACKSON (died) Jermaine Jackson (alive) Tito Jackson (alive) Marlon Jackson (alive) Jackie Jackson (alive) all are brothers.... on Thursday June 25,2009 Michael Jackson was pronounced DEAD at the age of 50. he was a true legend....

What is Michael Jackson's true story?

He was a legend. A musical genius. All the crap posted about him was media bs.

Who is better Michael Jackson or Robert Pattinson?

Robert Pattinson is way better actor!But in singing Micheal Jackson takes it all!This is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many words can you make from the name Michael Jackson?

Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)

Has anyone tied with Michael Jackson?

No. Michael Jackson beats all kinds of singers even Andrew Jackson.

Best selling album of all time?

Thriller by Michael Jackson

Which Jacksons were part of the Jackson Five?

All of the brothers, including Michael Jackson.Their names are Michael,Tito,Jemaine,Marlon and Jackie Jackson.

Is Michael Jackson the magic the madness the whole story true?

Not at all, most of it is completely embellished with a few nuggets of truth mixed in.

Is it true that Michael Jackson can't be cremated because all his plastic surgery will pollute the air too much?

no that is a silly rumour

Is Michael Jackson greedy?

No. Not at all!

Who was the most talented in Jackson 5?

Definitely Michael Jackson. This was the reason that Michael Jackson became the greatest entertainment of all time.

How did Michael Jackson overcome the fact that he lost his childhood?

Michael Jackson Surely did not overcome the loss of his childhood. All his life his urge to actually be a child has never come true. His life growing up was too busy to be a normal child. He was also to famous to go out in public. Michael Jackson did not overcome his childhood loss.