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they had different forms of government

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Q: Were Sumerian city-states independent
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What circumstances led to beginning of organized government?

The Sumerian people built the first cities along the rivers with irrigation canals. Each Sumerian city became a city-state,independent of the others.

Which citystates fought eachotherin the peloponnesian war?

Athens and Sparta .

Why did citystates fight each other?

To gain land for farming

Why were Sumerian settlements called city-states?

A city and its supporting surrounding agricultural land formed independent mini-states.

What is one problem the citystates of sumer faced by remaning independent?

The city-states' armies were small and not united. Therefore, any attack from outside would surely spell demise. In addition, trade was difficult because of awkward geographical divisions.

What is the impact of citystates?

This impact the city-states because the renaissance were so wealthy in their down city

How were Sumerian independent?

As time went by each had it's own priest-king and army. Each city controlled the land in about fifteen miles of circumference around the city.

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