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The Civil Rights Movement is usually regarded as something that happened from about 1955 to 1968. Louis Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901. His childhood took place long before the Civil Rights Movement got underway.

Louis Armstrong grew up in an era when Blacks were regarded as clearly inferior by many people, by most people in some parts of the country. This was simply accepted and unquestioned. The fact that a Black man with no education, could arise from the poverty into which he was born, from the lack of access to education, to be an undeniable genius, constituted a clear refutation of the idea that his race was inferior.

Another such person was George Washington Carver. There were others, as well. They refuted the idea of racism simply by being what they were, and no one could argue against that. The Civil Rights Movement was necessary, to make the laws of the land compatible with facts that were already obvious to any person capable of thought.

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∙ 13y ago
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∙ 12y ago

No, but his grandparents were slaves.

Armstrong's father was born in 1881 and his mother in 1886, the slaves were 'freed' at the end of the Civil War in 1865. I could be that Louis' parents worked in situations that were very similar to slavery, they were very poor.

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∙ 12y ago

he was cool man

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