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Hannah Montana will get cancelled in janrurary

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13y ago
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14y ago

actually no it was never canceled but she left the stage a few times in the middle of a song

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Q: Was Hannah Montana show cancelled in 2007?
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Is Hannah Montana TV show being cancelled?

Yes, it's being cancelled after the 4th season.

When will the Jonas Brothers will guest at the Hannah Montana show?

The Jonas brothers were on Hannah Montana in August of 2007.

When is Hannah Montana show going to get cancelled?

The popular show Hannah Montana was a hit for the past two or three years. It is now a hit in Poland. No one expects it to end soon. It will probably get cancelled in a couple of years, when it will no longer be as popular.

When did the first Hannah Montana show come out?


What is the number to audition on Hannah Montana?

The show Hannah Montana has been cancelled and will no longer make new episodes, hence there is no number to audition ever again.

When is the next hannh Montana concret?

Never. The show Hannah Montana and any apperences involved with the character have been cancelled.

How do you get in touch with Hannah Montana?

Hannah Montana is only the alter ego of Miley Cyrus. You cannot get in touch with her because she is not real. Also, because Hannah Montana no longer exists as Miley Cyrus has retired the Hannah wig and the tv show has been cancelled.

Is th show Hannah Montana on Disney channel going to be cancelled?

Ummm.... yes, the show has been over for years now.

How can you answer this questionHow can you be on the show Hannah Montana?

go to Google type in Hannah Montana look up Hannah Montana scripts or Hannah Montana show and applie for the show.

How did you get on the Hannah Montana show?

To get on the Hannah Montana show you have to email her and ask her if you can.

How is in the show of Hannah Montana?

The Hannah Montana show is great. I love it.

What are the release dates for 3-Minute Game Show - 2007 Hannah Montana 5-1?

3-Minute Game Show - 2007 Hannah Montana 5-1 was released on: USA: 22 November 2009