Inher official2007 biography of Autrey --Public Cowboy No. 1: The Life and Times of Gene Autry --Holly George-Warren states that Autrey had a drinking problem at the end of his career.
The address of the Gene Autry Museum is: 47 Prairie St, Gene Autry, OK 73436
The web address of the Gene Autry Museum is:
The address of the Gene Autry Oklahoma Historical Society is: Po Box 67, Gene Autry, OK 73436-0067
The phone number of the Gene Autry Museum is: 580-294-3047.
Nellybelle was the name of Gene Autry's Jeep.
The address of the Gene Autry Museum is: 47 Prairie St, Gene Autry, OK 73436
The web address of the Gene Autry Museum is:
The address of the Gene Autry Oklahoma Historical Society is: Po Box 67, Gene Autry, OK 73436-0067
The phone number of the Gene Autry Museum is: 580-294-3047.
Gene Autry was born on September 29, 1907.
Nellybelle was the name of Gene Autry's Jeep.
There was no evidence that Gene Autry was anything but straight.
The duration of The Gene Autry Show is 1440.0 seconds.
The Gene Autry Show ended on 1956-08-07.
The phone number of the Gene Autry Oklahoma Historical Society is: 580-294-3047.
Ina Spivey, Jackie Autry
His widow, Jackie Autry.