totally yes...a living legend
No, John Legend is not single.
The Legend of Bishin happened in 1993.
Legend of Wukong happened in 2008.
John Legend has 2 children
it is important to learn legend so that we can know how a thing is made
The point of a legend is that it is important in some cultures.
It is very important because is the fact about a real live story.
U use if the states or continents are colored so the legend tells you what the colors mean that's why the legend is important
he is our football manager and he is a legend
hes a legend
"The elderly Native American told us of a legend that was important in understanding his people." "The accomplishments of the football team's quarterback were the stuff of legend."
it is used to help locate the important places
A legend is important because it tells about the scale of the bar graph and it also explains the colours in the graph. it becomes very easy to make or understand the bar graph
Patroclus is the son of Menoetius. Greek legend.