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To provide melodies.

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to provide melodies

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Q: The fiddles role in a bluegrass band is primarily?
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What instruments has least important rhythmic role in a bluegrass band?

. fiddle

What is the fiddle's role in a bluegrass band?

A musician who plays the instrument known as a fiddle, plays the instrument along with the bluegrass band. Sometimes the fiddle player may do a "special feature number." This is when they are given the opportunity to be the center of attention while the band backs them up in concert.

What role doe the saxophone have in the orchestra?

Unless it is featured as a solo instrument, none. The sax is primarily a band instrument.

What process primarily reflects the role of nature in human development?

A process primarily reflected in the role of nature in human development is maturation.

What is the role of pianist in a band?

to play piano

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Primarily helping guests with their luggage.

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Fergie has a very important role in the band known as the Black Eyed Peas. Fergie's role in the band called The Black Eyed Peas is the lead vocal artist.

A representative who is performing the role of an instructed delegate is?

primarily representing the wishes of his or her constituents

What is the role of the church in population?

The church often plays a role in shaping beliefs and values related to family planning, contraception, and reproductive health. It can influence population dynamics by promoting or restricting access to reproductive health services and education. Additionally, some churches may advocate for policies that encourage or discourage population growth based on religious teachings.

What is John Battelle's role at BoingBoing?

He is called a "band manager."

What role does a secondary guitarist play in a band?

Rhythm Guitar